For the past 25+ years I have been working in the mental health field. I have a doctorate in Psychology and am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I have experience working within agency settings, in a non-public school, within the military and in a private practice. My practice is solely Telehealth. I have focused my practice to serve those impacted by life events, often experienced in traumatic ways. This could be from bullying; a mental health issue such as Bipolar, Depression or Anxiety; post-traumatic stress from direct exposure to a life-threatening event; or loving someone who has been through this. Very often those with mental health issues are blind to their own issues and the impact to their loved ones. Just as often, the person suffering a mental health issue may be aware but unable to use the resources available in a consistent way. This can leave loved ones often feeling helpless, hopeless, isolated and alone.
Dr. Valerie blends Western psychology with knowledge of the Eastern and Wisdom traditions into the clinical setting using the EMDR protocol for the healing of trauma. Energy based healing, philosophy and technique as depicted in Eastern and native shamanic spiritual traditions are used along side of contemporary western transpersonal developmental theorists. The cultural and spiritual aspects of shamanism, woven into native tradition along with the role of EMDR therapy in awakening consciousness will be explored as we take the healing of trauma into the realms of a greater cosmic whole in the language of images, sensory experiences, and intuitive knowing. Her hope is that there will be a continuous and flowing process taking participants from the left brain didactic to the right brain experiential, creating an integrated and flowing experience from egoic to expanded awareness.